
A Year In Read-View 2019 (Books)

Eighteen books this year. A pretty good effort, along with the truck load of comics I managed to get through as well. Still trying to prioritise women writers over men

5 years ago

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Eighteen books this year. A pretty good effort, along with the truck load of comics I managed to get through as well. Still trying to prioritise women writers over men and still having no regrets. For years I've been wanting to try and read poetry and at the end of the year finally got around to looking into the Beat poets, true to form though I sought out women writers first and thoroughly enjoyed Elise Cowen's work.

I did try to read more non-fiction and I am quite happy with all the ones I managed to get through. My general pile of shame got down to three books at one point, and then it shot back up to a healthy ten or so. Very glad that I didn't come across any terrible books this year. I also continued to edit and publish my novel House of Discordia and the second novella of my Deus Ex... series.

Books Read in 2019

Most anticipated read: To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers

Look, every year that Becky Chambers puts out a book it's going to be my most anticipated read. To Be Taught was a joy to read and my only complaint was that it left me wanting more. Chambers' makes me want to be a better writer and to expect more from the stories I consume.

Most interesting read: Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator: Uncommon Love and Life by Amy Gahran & Dr Space Junk vs The Universe: Archaeology and the future by Alice Gorman

I've already written about Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator and how it opened my mind to a plethora of other relationship styles, so I felt that I should write about another book I read that had me reading facts out loud to whomever would listen. Alice Gorman's look at space archaeology as a field was enlightening. I'm a bit of a space nut but had never considered how things such as cable ties left at Woomera can tell us about space exploration. The most fascinating part of this book is how Australian focused it is, discussing Australia's part in the space race and highlighting First Nation voices present in this history.

Unexpected gem: All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

My local book store recommended Charlie Jane Anders to me and I started with All the Birds. What a wonderful journey that was. My thirst for character studies that Becky Chambers set up in me was not let down by Anders' stories. The second book I read of hers (The City in the Middle of the Night) was just as amazing. Strong characters let loose in a world and we're along for the ride.

Edward Shaddow

Published 5 years ago