
My Year in Read-view - Comics, Part One

While I thought about doing #blogjune [] again this year, I was reminded of how I struggled to post everyday. While I enjoyed it I think

9 years ago

Latest Post Deus Ex... Mentis. Epilogue. by Edward Shaddow public

While I thought about doing #blogjune again this year, I was reminded of how I struggled to post everyday. While I enjoyed it I think I'll take this June to post a few thought out blogs. Where better to start than looking at my reading lists from the last 12 months. I've split it up over three posts, the first looking at collected volumes of comics, the second single on-going issues, and the third looking at books in general.

Below is a condensed list of collected volumes of comics I've read since June last year (the benefits of working at a library). Highlights include:

One things I have noticed as I've gotten older is my tolerance for 'mainstream' superhero comics is waining. My interest in reading about men fighting each other is at zero tolerance, this is reflected more in my ongoing single issues reading (which will be the next blog post). I don't see this as a bad thing as there are some really good stories out there with a wide and diverse cast of characters (Nimona, Captain Marvel, Saga, Bitch Planet, Lumberjanes, The Fuse, Spider-Gwen etc.).

I'll leave you with my favourite panel from The Adventures of Superhero Girl which is still up as a webcomic for you to enjoy.

Reading List

Edward Shaddow

Published 9 years ago